Hewoooo!!! I'm Forestpuppy! YA can call me Pup! this site is sort of anexperiment,cause I never programmed anything and I'm actually realy bad at TIC but aye,it looked fun so I wanted to try it out.The purposes of this site is(if I hopefully manage) are:(THIS IS A SFW PLATFORM,MAPS DNI,if this is a kink for you please do not innteract and,if you think its weird then do your reasearch first then return if you feel like it might not be so weird for you)Age reggression,relaxing games, art, art therapy,animations

I hope I can create a safe and fun little space for people.My dreams are big and I need help and feedback how I could make this web: safe,aesthetically pleaseing and just over all enjoyable. Till I figure out how I can upload art and animations,pragrame games and have a sort of comment section where I can read your feedbacks, Some things about myself: